Discover The CLOG SQUAD

These troublemakers are always causing problems. Learn about your enemy and how to combat the CLOG!

Not Fat! Fat Monster

Think, chicken fat, but 100 times worse! This evil culprit likes to hide in your food remnants so he can be poured down your drain and into your pipes. Once in the pipe and sewer, he bonds with bacteria and helps create massive fatbergs! His favorite camouflage is leftover butter, salad dressing and cheeses that are often rinsed off dishes or left on plates put into the dishwasher!

Oh no, Oil! Oil Monster

Sneaky, smarmy and smart! Oil can instantly bond with whatever it comes in contact with – remember your favorite cotton shirt? This guy ruined it! Since oil and water don’t mix, undestroyed oil molecules that enter your drain bond with Fat to create fatbergs! Vegetable, avocado, coconut, sesame and olive oils are common disguises this villain uses to enter our sewer system!

Yuck, Grease! Grease Monster

We’re not knocking bacon or beef, but they create this monster in spades! This shifty perpetrator often starts as a liquid but quickly turns into a solid once cooled. Unlike his cousin Oil, grease likes to carry chunks of meat and fat with him into your drain! Grease loves to stick around! He likes to coat to the insides of pipes and sewer walls creating growing layers that cause fluid disruption over time resulting in clogs and sewage backups.

Horrible Pill! Wipe Monster

He’s in it for the long game; targeting our environment and public health. Most wastewater treatment plants are not equipped to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater, so after he’s flushed or poured down the drain, his purpose in the pipes is to pollute our waters, impacting aquatic species and contaminating our food and water supplies. Scientists have found his relatives (medicines) in surface, ground and marine waters as well as soils and sediments.

Please, not Wipe! Pill Monster

Lies! Wipe is up to no good. She claims to be innocent and “flushable,” when in reality, she’s a pipe’s worst nightmare! Build-up from her woeful woven fabric has caused major maintenance expenses for municipalities nationwide. We get the appeal and love a good wipe for sanitary cleansing or make-up removal, but don’t fall for her charm… avoid a shutdown and let’s keep things moving by throwing anything other than toilet paper in the trash.

How to Fight The CLOG Squad

Everyone can be a hero in the Fight against the CLOG SQUAD! By being GROSS, you help protect your neighbors and the City from cloged sewer lines, treatment plant issues and backup.

So why help?

Disposing household waste improperly can cost thousands of dollars in home and City maintenance repairs. Knowing what NOT to drain is the first step in being a Guardian Regarding Our Sewer System! Here are some tips:

poring oil down sink drain
fat and oil clogged pipe
disposal of oil in seporaite container

Pouring fat, oil or grease down the drain occasionally seems harmless, but over time they solidify and accumulate in pipes.

  • Put fatty food scraps in the trash, not down the drain or garbage disposal. Try using your disposal as little as possible; don't use it as a food grinder.
  • Use a paper towel to soak up as much fat and oil from greasy dishes before putting them in the sink or dishwasher.
  • Collect oil and grease in a container. Once hardened, cover it, and throw in the trash.
  • Use City of Surprise Yellow Oil Recycling Stations to dispose of used kitchen oils!
person flushing wipe in toilet
large trash bin of wipes and trash from sewer system
person throwoing away a wipe in trash

While many wipes may claim to be ‘flushable,’ they’re not. They don’t degrade quickly, causing clogs and flow issues.

  • Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. No wipes, tissues, paper towels or other sanitary items!
  • Place wipes (and anything other than toilet paper) in a wastebasket in the bathroom.
person flushing meds
person throwing away med into trash
drug take back drop-off container

It’s smart not to throw pills in the trash, but flushing or pouring them down the drain can affect the environment and endanger public health

  • Never put drugs in the trash or in your pipes.
  • Many pharmacies will dispose of unused medications.
  • Use City of Surprise Police Department’s Drug Take Back Program!

Learn More:

Residential Pretreatment | Commercial Pretreatment | Industrial Pretreatment

Yellow Oil Recycling

Surprise operates yellow oil disposal stations to encourage residents to properly get rid of used kitchen oils, helping to lower the cost of maintenance on City sewer lines and wastewater treatment infrastructure.

Large amounts of residential cooking oil, such as the oil used to deep fry a turkey, can be disposed of at the following locations:

FIRE STATION 303 - 15440 N. Cotton Ln.
FIRE STATION 305 - 15517 N. Parkview Pl.

Both stations are open 24/7 for used kitchen oil disposal ONLY. Motor oils are not accepted.

Used yellow oils are to be poured directly into the drums located at the station; please reuse your containers and do not leave them at the disposal station.

  • Coconut Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Canola Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Vegetable Oil

What is recycled cooking oil used for?

Used cooking oil can be processed and repurposed into biofuel, animal feed ingredients and several common household or commercial products like paints, cleansers, lotions, plastics, tires and more!